30 plants a week. Seems like the new Sunday supplement diet of choice and for most of us seems quite a leap from the 5-a-day narrative we've been fed (pun intended) for the last few decades. Despite the public campaigns and in-school education kids, on average, eat 2 portions of fruit or veg a day and adults manage about 3. Most of that is probably covered by bananas, apples, peas, tomatoes, onions and carrots (they make up 50% of UK fruit and veg sales). Almost half of the UK population don't eat any fruit or veg in an average day, a really worrying statistic. Plants are the source of phytonutrients that protect our cells, providing antioxidants to counter the free-radicals formed during metabolic activity. Plants are also the source of the bacteria that make up the microbiome - vital for healthy functioning of the gut and brain, and the fibre that aids gut motility and reduces the risk of bowel cancer, coronary heart disease and diabetes.
So what counts?
Fruit and Vegetables obviously - and if you're struggling for variety pick a few different colours. Red pepper, yellow pepper, green pepper - ticked off three!
Wholegrains - oats, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth - basically any of the grains that haven't seen more bleach than sun.
Beans and Pulses - don't go too hard too quickly on these, unless you want the nickname "windy". These are great way to sneak in some extra protein as well. A 5 bean salad with some chopped herbs and some oily fish is an absolute winner on the protein front.
Nuts and Seeds - just remember these are high calorie for not much satisfaction. Think of nuts and seeds as a garnish rather than a snack if you're targeting a calorie deficit and a bonus snack if you're looking for a surplus.
We all pretty much eat the same combination of foods every week. You can easily rack up some extra plant points by adding to what you're already doing. Chilli for tea? Stick in a few extra bean types, porridge in the morning? Add a few banana slices and maybe a sprinkle of nuts.
And if you've got kids make it a family challenge or (if you're like us) a competition.
Check out the 30 plants stories on my instagram for some ideas of quick and easy meals.